A. Spain set up colonies at large areas of both continents is the correct answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Spanish were the first European to colonise the Americas. It began with the arrival of Christopher Columbus and continued for four centuries. The territory colonised by them included Central America, South America, Mexico, Southern and Central united states. British Columbia and Alaska. In the beginning of nineteenth century Spanish colonies experienced the independence movements and it led to the complete detachment of Mexico, Central and Southern America from Mexico. After that only Cuba and Puerto Rico were left as its colonies. They too were lost by Spain in 1898. The Spanish colonisers were at advantage by arriving first at the subcontinent as they didn't had to face competition from other Europeans, and the Natives were too weak to face them. Hence they were able to colonise large areas in North and South Americas. The natives of Mexico(Aztecs) did resist the Spanish colonisation but their simple weapons were no match for the Spanish horses, swords, canons and firearms.