The word choice creates danger an suspense because it paints a vivid picture in our mind of what it might look like is happening. It shows how Jerry is worried that he will drown, and how once he get to number one hundred and fifteen he keeps repeating it. The world choice also makes it dramatic when he finallys sees sunlight through the crack, and he makes it up and doesnt think he will be able to make it a few feet to the rocks. The text also gives a sense of the pain Jeremy must feel because of how long he's been in the water. It tells how his lungs feel tight, how he has is getting sharp pains on his back but it also feels slimy, his nose bleeds into his goggles, and how he keeps banging his head. All in all I think the word choice made the situation barely suspensful because it made it seem like if he didn't accomplish his goal then he was going to die.