Use subscript 1 for the source (the bat), and 2 for the receiver (the moth).
v₁ = -3.25 m/s, velocity of the source (the bat moves toward the moth).
f₁ = 35.0 kHz, the frequency of the source
v₂ = 0, the velocity of the receiver (the moth)
c = 3 43 m/s, the speed of sound in air.
Let f₂ = the frequency received by the moth
Due to Doppler shift,

That is,
f₂ = (35.0 kHz)*(343/(343 - 3.25)
= 35.34 kHz
When v₁ = 4.25 m/s
f₂ = (35.0 kHz)*(343/(343 - 4.25))
= 35.44 kHz
(a) 35.34 kHz
(b) As the speed of the bat increases, the frequency heard by the moth is higher.
(c) 35.44 kHz