The River Civilizations were the first in the world (which is recorded by their remains and their records) they formed cities precursory to modern ones; was where humanity, nourished with abundant water and sustainable crops, left the nomadic life, settled in hamlets that later became walled cities. These cities, on the banks of the rivers: Nile, Ganges, Tigris and Euphrates, and Yellow river, Yang tse kiang (blue river) and Wei, were the basis of all current civilization; there the societies were hierarchized, the monarchies were created and the first laws were established (code of Hammurabi in Babylon). In addition, language and arts flourished in those early cities, which later became State Cities, and expanded their influence, in the beginning of the world's first empires. The present civilization is founded directly on the influence and legacy of these early civilizations that traced modern society thousands of years ago.