To solve this problem we must first determine how each type of rock is formed to then match the pairs with the tiles. Read the list below to find out how each rock is formed.
The Intrusive Igneous Rock.
When magma emits out from Earth, it takes the form of what we know to be a volcano. The magma that exits the ‘mouth’ of the volcano is lava. When the molten lava cools it becomes hard, almost as if it were a rock. So, since it practically forms a rock, this type of rock is known as an igneous rock.
Intrusive rocks form when magma cools slowly. This process soon results in the formation of large crystals. When exposed to the atmosphere lava cools rather quickly. This process forms extrusive rocks. The fast cooling creates smaller crystals and a smoother surface.
The Extrusive Igneous Rock.
When lava becomes cool, it then forms what is known as an extrusive rock. More often than not, maga doesn’t find its way out. The remaining magma then sits beneath the Earth’s surface and slowly cools. This then forms intrusive rocks.
The Sedimentary Rock.
When the rocks that are on the surface of the Earth begin to weather, they break into particles. Wind, water, and ice move the particles of rock and soil from one place. Then, they deposit them somewhere else through the process known as erosion. These particles are called sediments. The sediments are usually deposited on the surface of Earth, or at the bottom of rivers and oceans. Over time, sediments collect and begin to layer over the most recent layer. Finally, this leads to the formation of sedimentary rock.
The Metamorphic Rock.
Now, make sure to note that the word ‘metamorphism’ means the change of form. Metamorphic rocks are a result of past existing rocks changing form. This typically happens deep within the crust of the Earth. If igneous and sedimentary rocks are exposed to high temperature and pressure, they then become metamorphic rocks.
The lower layers of igneous and sedimentary rocks nearby are under high pressure from the weight of the layers above. Over time, the structure of these rocks changes to form metamorphic rocks.
Phew! Now that we know the basic information of how each of the types of rocks are formed, we can go ahead and match the tiles with there pairs.
The Intrusive Igneous Rock
Cooling Magma
The Extrusive Igneous Rock
Cooling Lava
The Sedimentary Rock
Erosion & Deposition
The Metamorphic Rock
Pressure & Heat
Hope this helped!
- Lindsey Frazier ♥