The three levels of planning is the corporate, business and functional planning
.3 Levels:
1. Corporate level strategy illustrates decisions that affect an entire company.It specifies whichindustry an organization should compete and why?
2. Business level strategy specifies the methods or tactics a business or organization will use togain a competitive advantage over their competition.
3. Function level strategy is the action plan of how each division within a company willpositively add to increase the productivity of goods and services.
3 steps in planning process:
1. Determining the Organization’s Mission and Goals - Throughan analysis of information gathered during environmentalanalysis, managers can determine the direction in which anorganization should move. 2. Formulating Strategy (TacticalPlan) – Analyze the current situation and develop strategies.Strategy formulation requires a series of steps performed insequential order. The steps must be taken in order because theybuild upon one another. 3. Implementing Strategy