In favor: from the point of view of the British, the act gave the East India Company an advantage and supported the company's economic situation. Argument against: from the point of view of the American population this was an imposition of Britain's will on the Americans and a tax on Americans (who were taxed but did not have the power over themselves) - so it was an unfair rule imposed on them, from which they had no benefit at all, only loss. An argument in favor of the Tea Act would be that tea is an important resource in the British Empire and it is important that its subjects buy British tea and also pay a tax to support the British Crown. The British Government protects its subjects and provides for them so it is necessary that these subjects pay the proper taxes. An argument against this tax is that the tax is illegitimate and violates colonists rights to no taxation without representation. Without proper representation then colonists should not have to pay this high taxes.