fascism (national socialism)
communism (social communism)
Step-by-step explanation:
The economic stagnation of the global economy following the 1929 crack, caused stock markets to crash and extreme right industrials e
In Germany and Italy, the Great Depression weakened the previously existing government structures. As a sense of nationalism became more powerful, political leaders like Mussolini and Hitler embraced the economic conditions and gave hope to the people with new models and promises of a better future. These leaders allied with extreme right industrials to foster the creation of great armies thereby pushing the economy.
The Great Depression then is the main factor that set new directrices for carrying economy and the rise of fascist and communist parties.
By 1933, almost 15 million people were unemployed.
The Communist was in their part, promising a better model of the economy to solve the unemployment and trying to destroy the core of the capitalist system that every certain time rises a cycle of crisis. They began employing all people and setting the conditions for the spread of new political ideas appealing to the masses. The Communist Party was successful in spreading these ideas in East and Central Europe, also in England, France and Germany, but these movements were quickly suffocated.