The estimate result of 102.3 divided by 4.7 is 20.
Given : 102.3 divided by 4.7
We have to estimate 102.3 divided by 4.7
Since, estimation is the roughly calculation and is usually involves rounding to the nearest values so that they are easy to cancel out.
Since, we have to divide,
102.3 divided by 4.7
Rounding 102.7 to nearest tens place , we get, 102. 7 = 100
And Rounding 4.7 to nearest ones place, we get, 4.7 = 5
Thus, when divide 100 by 5 , we get 20.
Thus, 102.3 divided by 4.7 ≈ 20
Thus, The estimate result of 102.3 divided by 4.7 is 20.