1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
This question means: What do you like to do?
So the right answer is:
Me gusta nadar
The question asks for a specific topic that a person like to do. In this way, this is the most logical answer. In English, this means:
I like swimming
2. Casas de cultura are geared toward____.
The right answer is all ages
Casas de cultura are organizations or buildings that promote culture and arts. This centers are geared toward all ages. It is common to find diversity of cultures in those organizations, so people can be involved in different activities like music, dance, painting, among others.
3. "Sobremesa " is an important cultural practice in the Spanish-speaking world that can best be described as ____.
The right answer is an after-meal conversation
This is a relax time in which people from Spain take after meal. It's a time where people talk about different subjects. It may include coffee or tea. This time tends to last from half an hour to an hour. Basically, it is a time of socializing.
4. Which of the following expressions is used to show agreement?
The right answer is A mí también.
This answer means Me too. So, if someone is telling you something and you agree with that person, you may say this. So, for example:
Person 1: A mi me gusta la pizza (I like pizza)
Person 2: A mí también (Me too)
5. Which of the following is a reason why plazas are often considered the heart of a town or city?
The right answer is They are the business and commercial center of the town.
Most of the plazas are surrounded by business and commercial buildings. A lot of events can be found in these places including concerts, political rallies, among others. These places are always public.
6. There is a popular place in a Spanish-speaking community where people have conversations with neighbors and friends, watch people, or even buy from open-air markets. What is its name?
The right answer is la plaza mayor
This is a place where people have conversations with other people. It is common to find an open-air market. La plaza mayor is often found in the centre of the town surrounded by churches, town hall, important shops and hotels.
7. What is the most likely purpose of the gaucho games?
The right answer is to showcase the skills of the gauchos
This game is very popular in Argentina. The purpose of the Gaucho (the player) is to maintain his seat on a fiery horse between 6 and 15 seconds.
8. Which of the following words is an example of a Spanish infinitive?
Infinitive is the most basic form of verbs in Spanish where they are not conjugated and don't indicate anything about the one who is performing the action or at what time the action is taking place. Infinitives are only one word ending in either ar, er or ir, therefore:
The right answer is trabajar
9. Which of the following is a correct negative sentence in Spanish?
The right answer is No es la una.
In this problem, it is likely that someone is asking the time. So, for instance, the conversation could be:
Person 1: Es la una de la tarde? (Is it 1:00 p.m?)
Person 2: No es la una (It isn't 1:00 p.m)
10. Which sentence or phrase would you use to show that you disagree with the following statement?
Me gusta montar en bicicleta
The right answer is No me gusta nada montar en bicicleta
So, if you want to disagree with the previous statement, you need to use a negation. The only phrase that is valid here is the selected option that means in English:
I do not like to ride a bicycle