Step-by-step explanation:
India and Hong Kong are Asian countries, so the conquest of these countries made Britain a major colonial power in Asia.
The Asian regions most sought after by the imperialist powers were India and China. In India the British already possessed the bases of colonization established since the War of the Seven Years (1756-1763), when the victory over the archrival France assured them hegemony in the region. In 1857, the natives rebelled in the War of the Sepoys, defeated by the English. In 1876, Queen Victoria was crowned Empress of India. Commercial exploitation was carried out through the powerful East India Company, which held the monopoly of the activity. In China, European penetration was hampered by strong, centralized government. The way the British used to penetrate the country was the illegal export of opium - a potent narcotic extracted from the poppy - to Chinese soil where its consumption was prohibited. Chinese authorities reacted by burning 20,000 cartons of the product in 1839. Tension led to the Opium Wars. After three years of battles, the British came out victorious and established the Treaty of Nanking, in which the Chinese government committed to deliver Hong Kong to England and open five ports to international trade. By the end of the nineteenth century, China's vast territory was divided into spheres of influence from England, Germany, Russia, France, the United States, and Japan. In 1900 boxers, a nationalist group with popular support, besieged the occupied by foreign delegations in Beijing, kicking off the Boxers War. The confrontation ended with the Chinese defeat and with the imposition by the imperialist powers of the policy of the "open door" in which China had to make ample trade concessions.