In the period of time in which Freud lived, technology and science still did not generate enough knowledge to clarify all doubts about the human mind. This lack of information influenced Freud to study, formulate and share his ideas about psychoanalysis.
Step-by-step explanation:
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a neurologist physician and important Austrian psychologist. He was considered the father of psychoanalysis, which influenced considerably on Contemporary Social Psychology.
Since childhood he has been a brilliant student. At the age of 17, he joined the University of Vienna in Medicine. During his college years, he became fascinated by research conducted in the physiological laboratory led by Dr. E. W. von Brucke.
After graduating, Freud realized that the knowledge he had gained during college and research was insufficient to explain a few points about the human mind. This lack of information sharpened Freud's appeal to research and influenced him to find the answers to the doubts about the human mind.