There is actually no correct answer.
1) What invention is most important?
(car, computer, or telephone)
Basically means what invention do you use most?(from the above car etc.)
Or which invention out of the three you like most.
2) How does you family use the invention?
Just right how you use one of the inventions.(probably the one you chose for 1#)
3)In what ways does the invention improve over the years?
Pick one invention, search it up, and say how it improved.
Ex The car. In the 1800's it used to be thin wired carriages/cars and look know in 2017!(dont use this as the answer cause you need to write in complete sentences):)
5) How might it be improved to make it easier for your family?
Just write(IN COMPLETE SENTENCES) how the changes in the invention made life easier for your family and people around you.
Ex telephone
Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone. Its been improved because its portable, smaller, and easier to use.
Hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!