When analyzing this passage, you can gather a few things. First, this is a student who is not very happy in school and cannot wait to graduate from it. Second, that he had good and bad experiences with different subjects. The good was English and the bad, almost all other subjects. Third, that he wants the reader to understand that he may have not been the best student of all, but that doesn´t mean he will be a failure in life or that being a straight-A student is necessary for success. What is most important about the passage is the last part, the valedictorian speech he would have given, because it teaches that what matters most is what you do with the time you have and how you take the chances that are given to you. Using, then, the passage, we can answer the following, thus:
27. The person who had a positive influence on Conrad, the speaker, was (A)Mr. J. This can be seen as first, it was one of the few subjects the boy liked and second he felt good at. Second, he says that his choice in life is to become a writer thanks to the experiences and the teachings that he received from his English teacher, Mr. J.
28. Conrad makes it clear that he was not good at any subjects, except for English, even though at some point he liked Latin. However, it seemed that even Latin did not like him and he did not do well. But he does mention that he remembers most of what was taught to him in English, when he says: "Figurative language... see there? At least I did learn a few somethings in Mr. J´s English class." Correct answe is B: English
29. The correct answer here is A: Speaker was lazy and did not excel in high school. This can be seen through two things Conrad says: the first, that it took him a year longer to finish what his step-father, or anyone else, did in less because he took ""the road less traveled by" and added a one-year, scenic detour..." and then he also mentions that this detour was due to his bad marks in subjects such as Algebra, Physical Science, Latin and Chemistry. The only area in which he was good, was English.