1. Dear diary
Life in the cold mines is horrible it's dusty and tiring . We never get a break not even to eat all we do is work work and work all your life. I'm to anxious to get diseases I have seen people die from diseases, hunger and old life . We wake up so early I'm so tired .all I found was coal and rocks we have to find gold to get out because the boss wants to be rich . You know what's worst children working in the mines and dying what if they don't see there families again . It's horrible down here I want to get out let's just hope I find gold one day
2. Everyday there's parents sending their children away to get rich. I find this terrible children can't handle this kind of work . The mines is cold dark and terrifying this is no place for a child . There are children dying from hunger and diseases even little kids. And the way the bosses treat the kids are horrible . They keep working and working people get tired you know .the pic axes are too sharp and dangerous for a child to hold it might be even cause them to bleed to death . The oxygen is too severe to breath so I say child labor in the mines should stop