formation of carbs monosaccarides polymerize to form polymers called polysaccharides, joined by glycosidic linkages carbs perform a wide variety of functions ex: structure, basis for other molecules, cell identity, storing chemical energy How do monosaccharide monomers vary? location of carbonyl group (aldose is at end, ketose in middle) number or carbons present (tri,pent, hex), spatial arrangement, linear vs ringed Polysaccharides also known as complex carbs, polymers of monosaccharide monomers simplest polysaccharide is disaccharide (2 monosaccharide monomers) glycosidic linkage a covalent bond that results after a condensation reaction between two hydroxyl groups (OH) location and geometry of these bonds vary widely Starch : plant storage polysaccharide glycogen : animal storage cellulose : plant cell walls chitin : fungi cell walls, animal exoskeletons, some algae peptidoglycan : bacterial cell walls