In February 1852, arrangements were ending up rare. The rancheros who had been driving meat groups into the valley and the donkey drivers who got onions, potatoes, spread and espresso couldn't get past the profound snow that secured the slopes encompassing the bars. So the Clapps and their neighbors lived for three months on flour, dull ham, salted mackerel, and corroded pork. Also, when the snow at last dissolved, spring surges started, clearing without end flume apparatus, log spans, long toms, supports, a recently completed sawmill and a few men. By mid-May, the dilutes quieted and crisp arrangements arrived. So did countless American newcomers. On May 25, Louise noted: 'Several individuals have touched base upon our Bar inside the most recent couple of days; drinking cantinas are jumping up toward each path; the fluming operations are quickly advancing, and all searches positively for an occupied and prosperous summer.' Some of these newcomers had battled in the Mexican-American War and had a tendency to see Spanish-talking individuals as foes.