The digestion takes a long time or indigestion happens.
Step-by-step explanation:
Our stomach secretes the HCL which helps in the digestion of different foodstuffs. It maintains the normal PH of the stomach. But sometimes the acid level in the stomach increases for which one needs antacids. Antacids are bases that react with the acids of the stomach and neutralises the acidic activity. Antacids contain magnesium hydroxide, aluminium hydroxides, sodium bicarbonate. These are all mild bases.
If the PH of the stomach is normal and one consumes antacid in the empty stomach, then it neutralises the acid of the stomach. The stomach environment acts as a buffer or alkaline. The carbohydrates, proteins, fats take a long time to digestion and also creates disturbance in the smooth. The hamburger has carbohydrates and proteins. Because no acid is there to breakdown this complex foodstuff, it leads to indigestion..