Gender roles are not the same in every culture. There are a lot of them that value boys more than girls. In China, boys have been deemed more valuable than girls. Before the 1900's in the America's, men have been able to get an education, serve war, and own property. On the other hand, women had to stay in the home to do chores and have more children. In the Iroquois tribe, women could serve as "clan mothers", those that could appoint male chiefs, but they could not attend the meetings. "The Hammurabi Law" from Ancient Mesopotamia had a bit of respect towards women, and in Ancient Egypt, women were regarded as equal to me, which was very rare at the time, especially with a few female pharaohs like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra. Even today, there are women in different countries that still do not have good treatment. In Saudi Arabia, you can't own a car or mix with men of any sort. In countries like Sudan, Guatemala, and Congo, many of them are still raped and left abandoned. In Mali, female genitals are mutilated and 1 in 10 women dies from childbirth. In Nepal, you have to get married before your teens or you can be sold to traffickers. In Iraq, literacy rates are low for women. In Afghanistan, literacy rates are low for women, 87% of women have been victims of domestic violence, half of them are married by 16, and it's so strong, it's the only country in the world where suicide rates are greater for women than men. Those are just a few points to prove that women do not have the same roles or get the same treatment as men, and there are other countries in the world that do not treat women fairly at all.