The following are the events in chronological order (with dates)
The Qing Dynasty was overthrown and the Republic of China was established.
Jiang Jieshi announces the formation of his new government, the Nationalist Republic of China
A group of young Chinese men, including a young teacher, Mao Zedong, meet in Shanghai to form the first Chinese Communist Party.
Mao Zedong and his followers walk nearly 6,000 miles to avoid capture by the Nationalist Republic of China. This journey is known as the Long March.
Red Army (Mao's communists) sweep the Nationalist government from power and Mao proclaims the creation of the People’s Republic of China, a communist government
Mao implements his "Great Leap Forward" program where farms were organized into large collectives.
Mao announces his "Cultural Revolution"
Deng Xiaoping is named the leader of China and he allows some private businesses and opens China to foreign investment and technological advances.
Many protests break out at Tiananmen Square about the state of the economy and the government's violation of human rights.
Hundreds of people are killed and even more wounded. The world is shocked by the Chinese government and even the United States publicly condemns their actions.