"During the Trustee Period, at least 70 men served as trustees."
"During the Trustee Period, the Salzburgers came to Georgia from Austria." - They went as refugees.
"During the Trustee Period, people from Scotland settled in Georgia."
"The Trustee Period ended once Parliament granted Georgia the ability to elect a colonial assembly." - At that point they were not able to form assembly and thus ended.
"The Battle of Bloody Marsh was won by the British and General James Oglethorpe." - The Battle of Bloody Marsh was won by General James Oglethorpe and the British. The British won another battle on the same day, and in the same island also.
All the other statements are False.
"The Trustee Period lasted for over 50 years." - It only lasted about 20 years.
""The Trustee Period" is called that because the King "trusted" Georgians to rule themselves." - Is called the Trustee Period because Georgia was ruled by a board of trustees.
"The Trustee Period saw an alliance between British and Spanish settlers." - During this period there was constant war between British and Spanish.
Step-by-step explanation: