Step 1: Rewrite the decimal number as a fraction with 1 in the denominator.
Step 2: Multiply to remove 10 decimal places. Here, you multiply top and bottom by 10 to the power of 10 = 10000000000
Step 3: Find the GCF of 476190476 and 10000000000 if it exists, and reduce the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by GCF = 4.
Step 4: denominator by GCF = 4,476190476÷410000000000÷4=1190476192500000000476190476÷410000000000÷4=1190476192500000000ThereforeX=119047619/2500000000X=1190476192500000000In conclusion,.0476190476=119047619/2500000000