From the film, the apology David Lurie presents to the Isaac family can be seen as a display of Disgrace.
Both from the book and the film, some of the most interesting scene is when Lurie visited the house of his student to apologize for the offense he committed to their daughter.
In Disgrace, repentance and guilt took the center stage. As the movie presented it, the student’s father was not showing any readiness to forgive Lurie for the dastardly act he committed to his daughter. The father was very strong and unwilling to forgive lurie.
The father allowed lurie to expresses his mind but does not over-react other than showing that he has no particular interest in lurie supposed apology.
As seen in the book, the parents of the student invite Lurie into their home and even persuade him to take dinner with them. Both parents however call on lurie to face his deeds and realize the consequences he would face internally and externally.
This scene clearly defines and emphasizes the reality that accomplished guilt and the total need for redemption.
The relationship between lurie and issacs reflect the internal dynamics that also took place during the truth and reconciliation committee.