1. One way of introducing textual evidence into your writing is to
A. Tell the reader that you are doing so. Ex. For instance, As stated in the text
B. Quote the entire paragraph
C. Put your quote first
D. Put the quote in your own words
2. If you do not have a text and you need to provide evidence to back up your answer, the best way to support your answer is with
A. A fictional story
B. Real world examples
C. A hypothetical example
D. None of the above
3. It is important to always make the connection with the textual evidence you are using with your answer or essay.
4. Conventions are
A. Large gatherings of people with like interests.
B. Places where nuns live and work.
C. The things that people agree on.
D. The technical parts of an essay, like grammar, punctuation, and formatting.