The correct answer is: an area of religious and political dispute between Pakistan and India.
Kashmir is a region in the north of the Indian subcontinent and it is a region of conflict between India and Pakistan. When India got its independence from the British mandate in 1947, large Muslim Indian population segregated in order to build a new Muslim state: Pakistan. Therefore, massive migrations of Muslim people going from India to Pakistan and Hindu people going from Pakistan to India took place. Kashmir was in the borderline of the new states and it was a princely state under the control of the Maharajah Hari Singh, who was uncertain under which sovereignty should Kashmir relapse. In order to avoid an internal conflict, Hari Singh asked India for help and India accepted under the condition that Kashmir should be part of the Indian jurisdiction. This agreement was not recognized by Pakistan who posits that most of the population of Kashmir doesn't want to be part of India. Since the formation of the states of India and Pakistan, these countries have struggled several times over the control of this region: in 1947, 1965, and 1999, with many attacks and violent outbreaks in the years between.