The colonial assemblies were modeled after the House of Commons in England .
Step-by-step explanation:
The House of Commons, is one of the two chambers of the British Parliament. The Parliament was formed on the basis of Magna Carta of 1215, where the various social groups came together to give their approval to new taxes. Throughout the 1300s, the broadcasts of the local communities began to meet without nobility and clergy. This gave rise to the two chambers, the lower house (House of Commons) and the upper house (House of Lords).
Elections to the lower house are made by a majority vote in one-man circles in one election round. The United Kingdom is divided into 650 constituencies, each of which sends a representative to the lower house. Since 1969, all British citizens over the age of 18 have had the right to vote. The Prime Minister has an unlimited right of dissolution in that he / she can dissolve the House of Commons via the monarch and print new elections at any time, but it can never take longer than about 5 years between each election.