C. To form the possessive of plurals that do not end in s, add an apostrophe and s.
Step-by-step explanation:
A possessive noun is a noun that shows ownership and that is formed by adding an “s” and an apostrophe or an apostrophe only at the end of the noun. The general rule is that when the noun, regardless of being plural or singular, ends with an “s”, only an apostrophe is added, but when it does not end with an “s,” then an apostrophe and an “s” is added.
Therefore, to form the possessive of plurals that do not end in “s,” such as children, feet, men, and mice add an apostrophe and “s.”
Here are some examples of how to use possessive plural nouns that do not end in “s”:
The children's toys
The men's cars
The mice's cheese