Mid-oceanic ridge
Step-by-step explanation:
In a convergent plate boundary, the denser plate sinks below a less denser plate. Due to this, a subduction zone is formed, marked by a deep sea oceanic trench. This trenches are long and narrow depression that separates two plates. The subducting plate undergoes partial melting at greater depths, as a result of which the magma is forced to rise up due to the interior heat supply, resulting in the formation of volcano, volcanic or island arc.
Whereas, mid oceanic ridges occurs in the divergent plate boundary, due to which sea floor spreading takes place, marked by the presence of mid-oceanic ridge where the new materials are added to the crust.
Thus, according to the given options, the oceanic trench and volcanic island arc are the two features that forms in a convergent plate boundary.
Hence, the mid-oceanic ridge is not a feature of convergent plate boundary.