1. Mixtecas y Zapotecas
Matches to Oaxaca because they are indigenous people from Guerrero, Puebla and Oaxaca.
2. La música de los Jarochos
Matches to Veracruz because this is a musical expression of the jorocha culture in Veracruz.
3. Muchos cenotes
Matches to Mérida because there are a lot of cenotes there. A cenote is a type of natural pool
4. Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Tulum y Palenque
Matches to Yucatán.
- Chichen Itza
- Uxmal is a city of ancient
- Tulum is a location known because of its ruins.
- Pelenque is also an archaeological site
5. una ciudad Maya sepultado "buried"
Matches to Campeche