Choose the answer.
Review the quote from the biography of Michael, the 57-year-old smoker.
Michael served in the U.S. Army from 1977–1979. He smoked throughout that period. Even though he made attempts to quit, he always came up with an excuse to start smoking again. At age 44, Michael was diagnosed with COPD.
Review the poster titled "A Tip from a Former Smoker."
Poster titled A Tip From a Former Smoker shows 57 year old Michael in foreground, looking sad and dejected. In the background is a framed photograph of Michael goofing around with his grandson. A quote from Michael appears on the poster. It reads, Figure out how to tell your grandkids you wont be around anymore.
Which best contrasts the strategies used by each source to convey its message?
The poster relies on wide-angle shots, while the biography uses a powerful quotation.
The biography relies on facts and statistics, while the poster uses a compelling photograph.
The biography relies on sad background music, while the poster uses powerful imagery.
The biography relies on arresting imagery, while the poster uses photography.