B)the time period in which the text takes place This is the correct answer.
The author sets the piece in time and place and these will necessarily construct the cultural context of the story. In fact, the cultural context is what gives meaning to the story. For example, Jane Eyre 's context is the Victorian area and this context helps the readers understand Jane's reaction towards the religion at the time. This is one of the themes in the novel.
These answers are not right:
A) the authors level of education ( This is part of the author's background and biography.)
C)the social backround of the characters or author ( This is misleading since it is the author who creates the characters. The author can invent characters who belong to a context different to his context. Therefore, their social backgrounds will also differ).
D) the ways the author uses figurative language in the text ( Figurative language is a device any author uses to create his / her piece. This is related to a complex use of language).