1. Among the following employees, a person who _______ would most likely succeed as a telecommuter.
A. is very motivated and independent
B. has a hard time prioritizing work tasks
C. has difficulty separating work and family
D. is very outgoing and social
2. Telecommuters must be able to
A. enjoy the presence of coworkers.
B. work around family demands.
C. buy the most modern computer system.
D. drive into work at least four days a week.
3. On a job description, what is the difference between necessary skills and desirable skills?
A. Necessary skills are those a person will learn on the job; desirable skills are those that will ensure eventual promotion.
B. Necessary skills are those a person must have to apply for the job; desirable skills are those that a company plans to train an employee to have.
C. Necessary skills are those a person has learned on former jobs; desirable skills are those that will guarantee a person will get hired.
D. Necessary skills are those a person needs to work at a job; desirable skills are those that a company hopes a candidate has.
4. Temporary employees
A. have a greater opportunity for advancement than full-time employees.
B. usually have a higher hourly rate than full-time employees.
C. can usually enhance their résumés with practical skills.
D. can usually telecommute if they want to.
5. What are the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators?
A. Extrinsic motivators are internal and include satisfaction with the completion of tasks; intrinsic motivators are external and include pay raises.
B. Extrinsic motivators are internal and include satisfaction with job performance; intrinsic motivators are external and include greater job responsibilities.
C. Extrinsic motivators are external and include personal feelings toward tasks; intrinsic motivators are internal and include recognition by coworkers.
D. Extrinsic motivators are external and include promotions and pay raises; intrinsic motivators are internal and include personal satisfaction for a job well done.
6. Delegating a job to another employee indicates that you
A. trust that person to do the job well.
B. will evaluate the person based on performance.
C. want more free time in your day.
D. want to test a new worker under stress.
7. A problem-solving team is often referred to as a
A. manager-assisted team.
B. cross-functional team.
C. committee.
D. quality control group.
8. All of the following should be done before the meeting except
A. determining the participants.
B. greeting the attendees.
C. summarizing what's covered.
D. developing an agenda.
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