To shorten; make brief
2. Abdicate : AB dicate (ab’ di kate) v.
To give up; as, abdicate a throne
3. Abduct : AB duct (ab dukt’) v.
To lead away by force; kidnap
4. Aberration : AB erration (ab e ray’ shun) n.
Act of wandering away; unsoundness of mind
5. Abhor : AB hor (ab hor’) v.
To turn away from; loathe; shudder at
6. Abjure : AB jure (ab jure’) v.
To swear away; renounce
7. Ablate : AB late (a’ blate) v.
To remove; to cut away
8. Ablution : AB lution (a blue’ shun) n.
The act of washing away; often in a rite
9. Abnegate : AB negate (ab’ ne gate) v.
To relinquish; give up forever
10. Abnormal : AB normal (an nor’ mal) adj.
Away from the normal; aberrant