1. C. “When I first beheld this apparition—for I could scarcely regard it as less—my wonder and my terror were extreme.”
2. Readers experience a sense of suspense about what the narrator might do next.
Readers question the validity of the narrator's explanation of his feelings.
3. C. Readers get an inside perspective on how the narrator feels when the cat ignores him.
Step-by-step explanation:
Edgar Allen Poe's short story "The Black Cat" tells the story of how our unnamed narrator had been convicted of murder and why he was in prison. Told from a first person narrative point of view, the story shows the narrator from his own perspective.
The story tells how the narrator had, in drunkenness, killed his beloved cat Pluto and how he had adopted another cat who looked the same. Then, unintentionally, he also killed his wife whose body he hid in the walls. But it was this same new cat that led the policemen to discover the hidden body. Thus his conviction and eventual death sentence.
For the first question, sentence C shows how he couldn't believe the image of the cat that was made after their house burned down. The use of the word "apparition" shows he still couldn't believe it, "my wonder and my terror were extreme.”
For the second question, the unreliability of the narrator can be felt in the sentences "Readers experience a sense of suspense about what the narrator might do next" and "Readers question the validity of the narrator's explanation of his feelings". The passage did show the feelings of the narrator and his remorse of what he did, but it seems more like he was trying to make us readers sympathize with him.
Lastly, sentence C shows how he felt when he thought his cat was avoiding him. This first person point of view gives us the emotion of the narrator, his opinion and also why he did it. This affects the narration as it gives us the side of the story only from his perspective.