Given n objects, assume we want to arrange r of them in a vertical or horizontal list, such that the order is important.
This can be done in P(n, r) ways, where:

For example, there are 5 students in a race, {A, B, C, D, E}. Consider the case when the 3 winners are A, B and C.
{A, B, C}, {A, C, B}, {B, A, C}, {B, C, A}, {C, A, B}, {C, B, A} are 6 different outcomes of the race:
the first, {A, B, C} means that A is first, B is second, C third.
the second, {A, C, B} means that A is first, C is second, B third. and so on.
the race can end in P(5, 3) many ways
Back to our problem, there are P(10, 5) many ways to list 5 out 10 states:

Answer: 30,240