The phrase "Life affects art" is relevant to the study of classical music throughout history because as society progressed, music did too. Classical music became prevalent in the mid-1700 and was the start of a musical domino effect leading all the way up to the 20th century. Classical music gave people a sense of freedom to express themselves as individuals, not just as followers of the church. This affected art because classical music was used as a tool for separating religious values and that showed through the music. Next up in line following classical music is the Baroque style. The Baroque style, contrary to the classical music style, highly valued religion. The Baroque style basically tried to counter classical music by making the church a part of musical art again. As different as these two examples of music eras are, they both have something in common. The experiences composer went through in their lives greatly impacted their musical compositions, no matter which musical style they were known for or gravitated towards. These are just two examples of how life affected art back in the day.
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