Answer: The parts of speech are:
Many ----> determiner
women ----> noun
replaced ----> verb
men ---> noun
on ---> preposition
the ----> determiner
baseball ----> noun
field ----> noun
and ----> conjunction
in ---> preposition
factories ---> noun
Step-by-step explanation: The term "parts of speech" makes reference to word classes, which are arranged together according to the form and function of words. Some of the main parts of speech are nouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions and determiners. Nouns mainly refer to things, people or places. Examples of nouns in the sentence provided are "women", "me", "baseball", "field" and "factories". On the other hand, verbs usually make reference to actions, such as "replaced". Determiners modify nouns, and, in some cases, they are used to quantify: this is the case of "many". However, "the" is also a determiner and it is used to show specific reference. In contrast, prepositions establish a relationship between words. In the sentence provided, "in" and "on" are prepositions. Finally, conjunctions connect two items or ideas. "And", in this case, is joining "on the baseball field" and "in factories".