Step-by-step explanation:
The operators are directly related to the types of data, since they are defined based on the type of operands they accept and the type of the value they return. In some cases it is easy to forget this, since we call operators who carry out different operations according to the values to which they apply, for example, the division of integers is not the same as that of reals, since the first returns a integer value and forget the rest, while the other returns a real, which has decimals.
A complete program is composed of a series of sentences, which can be of different types:
- declaratives, which are the ones we use to define the types of data, declare the variables or the functions, that is, they are those that are used to explicitly define the elements involved in our program,
- executables, which are those that are transformed into executable code,
- Compounds, which are those formed from the union of sentences of the previous types.
We will call expression to any statement of the program that can be evaluated and returns a value. The simplest expressions are literals, which express a fixed value explicitly, such as a number or a string of characters. Composite expressions are those formed by a sequence of terms separated by operators, where the terms can be literal, variable or function calls (since they return a result).