My wife's sitting over here. She's a wonderful stenographer. She used to teach stenography and she used to teach shorthand in high school. That was when I met her. And I can tell you folks that she's worked many hours at night and many hours on Saturdays and Sundays in my office, and she's done a fine job, and I am proud to say tonight that in the six years I've been in the House and the Senate of the United States, Pat Nixon has never been on the Government pay roll.
Step-by-step explanation:
This is the best example of Nixon's use of a red herring fallacy. A red herring fallacy occurs when the author talks about a subject that is not related to the matter at hand. This is usually done in order for the person to divert attention away from the main issue. In this case, the fact that his wife is a great stenographer or that they met while she was teaching shorthand in high school are irrelevant to the issue of misused campaign funds.