For Creative Writing (spell/grammar check) (my speech): I appear before you today because of the speculation that of the Apocalypse being near. Well, I can assure you, it will happen. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not within a year. But it will happen, and soon. But I can assure you, you needn't to panic. Let me tell you why. Because we are able. Because you are able. Sure, some of us are on the younger side, or some of us are getting older by the minute. But we are so much more than a number. We are Bakers, Pirates, business people, gamblers, scientists, animals, Elders, blacksmiths, heroes, and President. We are not bumbling fools who don't know up from down. We can take whatever the world throws at us. I am opening a gun range. We bombed our enemies, we can take opticals. Zombies demons and many more. Prepare yourselves. Thank you, and good night!