The English Reformation grew out of a series of events in sixteenth-century England. The culmination of these events was the breaking away of the Church of England from the pope and the Catholic Church. At the same time, the Protestant Reformation was also sweeping across Europe. Like that religious movement, Puritanism sought to reform an established religion; Puritans wanted to "purify" the Church of England.
Puritans believed that the English Reformation had not done enough and needed to go further. They believed that the Bible was their sole authority and that it should be the basis of every area of their lives. The Puritans wanted to do away with traditional trappings and formalities of any liturgy, ceremony, or practices that were not found in the Bible. Thus the Puritans had a spirit of moral and religious earnestness on which they based their way of life. Since the Church of England was considered the supreme authority, the Puritans sought to reform it, thereby making the whole nation follow the Puritan way of life. (PLATO)