1. Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon epic. Beowulf is an epic poem written a long time ago, during the reign of Anglo-Saxons in Britain. It is a story about a hero who has come to aid his friend in defeating a monster.
2. didactic: meant to teach. Didactic works of literature aren't there to entertain, but rather to make you learn something new.
3. Richard Lionheart: Matter of England. This refers to a series of stories involving important British people, such as Richard Lionheart, kind Arthur, etc.
4. Life of Alfred the Great: biography. It is a story about someone else's life.
5. Castle of Otronto: Gothic novel. It is considered to be the first Gothic novel ever.
6. Adonais: pastoral. Adonais is Shelley's poem dedicated to Keats.The word pastoral in poetry refers to an idyllic life.
7. Robinson Crusoe: novel. It is a novel written by Daniel Defoe about a man who became stranded on an island.