The NATO Organization was formed by both the United States and the Western European powers in direct response to the threat of the expansion of the USSR during the Cold War.
Step-by-step explanation:
From the very end of World War II, any alliance that may have existed between the West and the USSR, ceased to exist completely. This was because the USSR began to expand its control, and its communist system of government towards other Eastern European nations, like Czechoslovakia, and especially in Berlin. This threat pushed the United States, and other Western European nations, like Britain and France, to establish an agreement in 1949, almost of defense, with a strong military undertone that warned the USSR to stay away from the West and from continuing their expansionist intentions. Thus NATO was born. In response to the birth of NATO, the USSR also formed a pact with its allies, that was known as the Warsaw Pact. To this day, NATO is still active, even after the end of the USSR.