So if Stella has 63 coins, then the number of quarters and dimes that she has will equal up to 63.
___ quarters
___ dimes
63 coins in total
$10.80 in total.
I used the guess and check method, which means that I estimated around the number of quarters an dimes, and it took me a few tries but here is what I got, and I checked it as well. You can check it to if you want.
Stella has 30 quarters and 33 dimes to make $10.80 in change.
30 * 0.25 = 7.50
33 * 0.10 = 3.30
7.50 + 3.30 = 10.80
So therefor it is correct 3o of the 3 coins Stella has are quarters, and 33 of them are dimes. Hope this helps and have a wonderful day.