In the problem, we are given that the probability of getting a bear is equal to p. Where probability is the ratio of successful outcome (bear) over total outcomes (total number of prizes).
The probability of not getting a bear twice in a row is consisting of 2 attempts:
Attempt 1: 1st spin gets a bear, 2nd spin does not get a bear
total probability of attempt 1 = p * (1 – p)
Attempt 2: 1st spin does not get a bear, 2nd spin gets a bear
total probability of attempt 1 = (1 – p) * p
The overall probability of the 2 attempts is the simply the sum of the 2:
Overall probability of not getting a bear twice in a row= p * (1 – p) + (1 – p) * p
Overall probability of not getting a bear twice in a row = 2p * (1 – p)
It is stated that the:
probability of not getting a bear twice in a row > 3 times the probability of getting the teddy bear
This is equivalent to:
2p * (1 – p) > 3 p (ANSWER)