The answer to the question is:
El cine es uno de los motores más grandes del arte en la actualidad, a muchas personas se les facilita mucho más asistir a una sala de cine que leer un libro, visitar una galería de arte o un museo, incluso investigar la vida de un personaje famoso de la historia, razón por la cual, el séptimo arte permite aquellas personas conocer dichos ámbitos que anteriormente eran desconocidos y tener un reconocimiento como se merecen muchas de las obras cumbre del mundo, si bien es cierto que gran parte de la información real no puede ser plasmada dentro de una película, muchas veces las personas salen de ver una película con un tema interesante y realizan una pequeña búsqueda por su cuenta para contextualizarse aún más respecto al tema y, de ser necesario, afianzar como "clásica" una obra que lo merezca.
Step-by-step explanation:
The translation of the paragraph is:
Cinema is one of the greatest engines of art today, many people are much easier to attend a movie theater than read a book, visit an art gallery or a museum, even investigate the life of a character famous in history, which is why the seventh art allows those people to know those areas that were previously unknown and have recognition as they deserve many of the world's top works, although it is true that much of the real information does not It can be translated into a movie, many times people go out to watch a movie with an interesting topic and do a small search on their own to further contextualize the subject and, if necessary, strengthen as a "classic" a work that deserve it.
People often prefer to watch a movie than do reading or research on their own, so the cinema reaches many people around the world, many more than any other art, before this reach it becomes an incredible broadcast engine to provide the knowledge about classics unknown to many in our time.