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What was martin luther complaint with the church?

1 Answer

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Luther had many complaints against the Roman Catholic Church. He made a list of his grievances called the 95 theses and pinned them to the church door. These were intended only for scholars as it was written in Latin (the language of the scholars) but soon it was translated into German and was circulated among the people.One of Luther's biggest problems with the church was the selling of indulgences. People believed they could buy their way out of sin without any faith aspect at all. Johann Tetzel said, "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, a soul from Purgatory springs." Luther believed that indulgences were not right and biblical and would not bring people to heaven. He accused the church of leaving people in their sin instead of showing them the way to heaven.Luther believed that you could not get to heaven by doing good works but by faith and faith alone. amazing answer, was very helpful that the church sold indulgences Martin Luther's disputations against the Catholic Church is called The Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, commonly referred to as The Ninety-Five Theses. It outlined Luther's issues with the Catholic Church's practices regarding baptism and absolution and rejects the sale of indulgences. Luther did not believe that temporal sins could be forgiven by a financial transaction to the Church. Luther posted the theses on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg in 1517. The theses are recognized as the major catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.I LIKE PIZZAThe 95 Thesis.
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