To solve this question, simply treat it as if it were to be a simple division question dealing with fractions. Also it is important to note that if the numerator of one fraction is the same as the denominator of the Second fraction, they can cancel out or divide from each other to equal 1.
(X-2)/(6x^2 + 6x) / (4x - 4)/(6x^2 + 6x)
(X-2)/(6x^2 + 6x) • (6x^2 + 6x)/(4x - 4)
(6x^2 + 6x) cancels out on both the numerator and the denominator leaving 1. In their places.
So or it is (X-2)/(4x - 4),
Or can be simplified, by factoring out the 4 and saying :
(X-2)/4(X - 1).