1. No me gusta esta falda. Prefiero esa . (that one)
2. Voy a comprar estos pantalones verdes. (these)
3. ¿Dónde compraste ese abrigo? (that)
4. ¿Viste a aquellas chicas? (those over there)
5. Tú compras esa camisa y yo compro esta. (this one)
6. ¿Cuáles prefieres, los zapatos marrones o aquellos negros? (those over there)
7. Carlos me compró aquel sombrero, pero prefiero usar este. (this one)
8. ¿Cuánto cuesta esta camisa azul con rayas rojas? (this)
9. ¿Vas a gastar dinero en aquellas botas rojas? (those over there)
10. Ricardo, esos calcetines no hacen juego! ponte éstos. (those)
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to fill in the blanks using the correct Demonstrative Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjectives indicate the location of the noun they modify relative to the speaker or the listener. There are 3 sets of demonstrative adjective in Spanish.
1. Este, is used to describe a noun that is close to the speaker and listener, usually within reaching distance of the speaker. There are four forms:
Singular - Este
Plural - Estos
Singular - Esta
Plural - Estas
2. Ese, is used to describe nouns that are further from the speaker, and point them out. Usually not within reach for the speaker, but the noun may be close to the listener. There are four forms:
Singular - Ese
Plural - Esos
Singular - Esa
Plural - Esas
3. Aquel, is used to talk about nouns that are far away from both the speaker and the listener. There are four forms:
Singular - Aquel
Plural - Aquellos
Singular - Aquella
Plural - Aquellas