0 votes
What can you conclude about the mayor based on his interaction with Master Hauchecorne in the passage? He does not believe Master Hauchecorne but has to let him go. He is opportunistic and uses the law to suit his interests. He is broad-minded and does not jump to conclusions. He believes Master Hauchecorne but is compelled to act against him.

The article

"The people of Goderville, and all those present at the market are informed that between nine and ten
o'clock this morning on the Beuzeville road, a black leather wallet was lost, containing five hundred
francs, and business papers. The finder is requested to carry it to the mayor's at once, or to Master
Fortuné Huelbrèque of Manneville. A reward of twenty francs will be paid."

Then he went away. They heard once more in the distance the muffled roll of the drum and the
indistinct voice of the crier.

Then they began to talk about the incident, reckoning Master Houlbrèque's chance of finding or not
finding his wallet.

And the meal went on.

They were finishing their coffee when the corporal of gendarmes appeared in the doorway.

He inquired:
"Is Master Hauchecorne of Bréauté here?"

Master Hauchecorne, who was seated at the farther end of the table, answered:

"Here I am."

And the corporal added:

"Master Hauchecorne, will you be kind enough to go to the mayor's office with me? Monsieur the
mayor would like to speak to you."

The peasant, surprised and disturbed, drank his petit verre at one swallow, rose, and even more bent
than in the morning, for the first steps after each rest were particularly painful, he started off, repeating:
"Here I am, here I am."

And he followed the brigadier.

The mayor was waiting for him, seated in his arm-chair. He was the local notary, a stout, solemn-faced
man, given to pompous speeches.

"Master Hauchecorne," he said, "you were seen this morning, on the Beuzeville road, to pick up the
wallet lost by Master Huelbrèque of Manneville."

The rustic, dumfounded, stared at the mayor, already alarmed by this suspicion which had fallen upon
him, although he failed to understand it.

"I, I—I picked up that wallet?"

"Yes, you."

"On my word of honor, I didn't even so much as see it."

"You were seen."

"They saw me, me? Who was it saw me?"

"Monsieur Malandain, the harness-maker."

Thereupon the old man remembered and understood; and flushing with anger, he cried:

"Ah! he saw me, did he, that sneak? He saw me pick up this string, look, m'sieu' mayor."

And fumbling in the depths of his pocket, he produced the little piece of cord.

But the mayor was incredulous and shook his head.

"You won't make me believe, Master Hauchecorne, that Monsieur Malandain, who is a man
deserving of credit, mistook this string for a wallet."

The peasant, in a rage, raised his hand, spit to one side to pledge his honor, and said:

"It's God's own truth, the sacred truth, all the same, m'sieu' mayor. I say it again, by my soul and my

"After picking it up," rejoined the mayor, "you hunted a long while in the mud, to see if some piece of
money hadn't fallen out."

The good man was suffocated with wrath and fear.

"If any one can tell—if any one can tell lies like that to ruin an honest man! If any one can say—"

To no purpose did he protest; he was not believed.

He was confronted with Monsieur Malandain, who repeated and maintained his declaration. They
insulted each other for a whole hour. At his own request, Master Hauchecorne was searched. They
found nothing on him. At last the mayor, being sorely perplexed, discharged him, but warned him that
he proposed to inform the prosecuting attorney's office and to ask for orders.

1 Answer

4 votes
The Mayor only believes who he knows/trust. Master hauchecorne tried to proof himself, but the Mayor thought he was dumb or did  not know anything because of who he was. The Mayor is a self-served man who does not care about all the people but about those who he know.
User Lelanthran
7.1k points